Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Amed (Bali, Indonesia)

19th Jan 2011:
On the way to Java we went back to Bali, this time through the north part of the island starting from the little town of Amed. We stayed in a Fisherman's Homestay, the family were very friendly and the landlord took us out fishing on his boat with his crew.

Some of the fishing crew on a platform looking out for fish.  

 The whole crew were excited to have us on board. 

My little space on the boat.. I didn't move from there.  

We shared some food (chicken & fruit) while waiting for the signals from the guys on the platform. 

Mourad's 1st catch.. (we had it grilled for dinner) 

 They managed to pull out A LOT of fish. 

My job was to hold on to the big fish. 

The fisherman's wife, separating the fish.  

We started the fire in the garden to grill the fish for dinner. 

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