Sunday, March 20, 2011

Langkawi (Malaysia)

9th Feb 2011:
Langkawi is another island located just North of Penang on the border with Thailand. It's known as the jewel of the State Kedah an archipelago of 99 islands and Langkawi being the biggest one.
We spent 4 days there, mainly just relaxing on the beach and exploring the other islands. 

Still sleeping; on the ferry to Langkawi at 6.00am

On the beach, at last...

View from the bungalow :-)

Mourad slept for 2 hours on the beach that day...


 Swimming at sunset, the best!

 Kopi Sussu time!

 Amazing spot in the centre of the island. 

 Like in New Zealand, we couldn't resist... 

 These waterfalls were on the top of a mountain so after the hike, it was a nice cool down. 

 Amazing view. 

 ... where do we go???

 As usual, the best way to go around is with a motorbike. 

 Finally we saw a dusky leaf monkey. 


On the boat around the archipelago. 

 Pregnant Lady Island. 

 At the lake in the center of the island. 

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