Monday, March 7, 2011

Singapore City

26th of Jan 11
We arrived in Singapore after the longest 24 hours travelling. We took the night train (the economy class) from Yogya to Jakarta and then the flight to Singapore the next morning "ouf".
Unfortunately we don't have many pictures of Singapore as it didn't stop raining for 5 days.

Excited about our 1st day in Singapore !!!
Local transport.
Durian: the smelliest fruit in the world; we had to hold our breath every time we walked passed it.. and they sell it everywhere.. (even durian ice cream) "beurk"/ yuk. 
Dragon fruit shake..
Night life.
Chinese New Year week. Chinese decoration everywhere.
Orchard road: the busiest street in the city, where all the retail shops are.

Lost in the crowd.

Chinese Temple in Chinatown.
Inside the Temple.
Inside the Temple everything was in gold.

What's wrong with him ??? :-)
At the night market.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice "Inside the Temple"..
    Was it good "Dragon Fruit Shake"?
